Tuesday 29 November 2011

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Management in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources and natural resources.

Since organizations can be viewed as systems, management can also be defined as human action, including design, to facilitate the production of useful outcomes from a system. This view opens the opportunity to 'manage' oneself, a pre-requisite to attempting to manage others.
Basic functions

Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, staffing, leading/directing, controlling/monitoring and motivation.

Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next five years, etc.) and generating plans for action.
Organizing: (Implementation)pattern of relationships among workers, making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans.
Staffing: Job analysis, recruitment and hiring for appropriate jobs.
Leading/directing: Determining what needs to be done in a situation and getting people to do it.
Controlling/monitoring: Checking progress against plans.
Motivation: Motivation is also a kind of basic function of management, because without motivation, employees cannot work effectively. If motivation does not take place in an organization, then employees may not contribute to the other functions (which are usually set by top-level management).
Basic roles

Interpersonal: roles that involve coordination and interaction with employees.
Informational: roles that involve handling, sharing, and analyzing information.
Decisional: roles that require decision-making.
Management skills

Political: used to build a power base and establish connections.
Conceptual: used to analyze complex situations.
Interpersonal: used to communicate, motivate, mentor and delegate.
Diagnostic: the ability to visualise most appropriate response to a situation .
Formation of the business policy

The mission of the business is the most obvious purpose—which may be, for example, to make soap.
The vision of the business reflects its aspirations and specifies its intended direction or future destination.
The objectives of the business refers to the ends or activity at which a certain task is aimed.
The business's policy is a guide that stipulates rules, regulations and objectives, and may be used in the managers' decision-making. It must be flexible and easily interpreted and understood by all employees.
The business's strategy refers to the coordinated plan of action that it is going to take, as well as the resources that it will use, to realize its vision and long-term objectives. It is a guideline to managers, stipulating how they ought to allocate and utilize the factors of production to the business's advantage. Initially, it could help the managers decide on what type of business they want to form.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

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Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice, and augments regular speech by the use of both tonality and rhythm. One who sings is called a singer or vocalist. Singers perform music known as songs that can be sung either with or without accompaniment by musical instruments. Singing is often done in a group of other musicians, such as in a choir of singers with different voice ranges, or in an ensemble with instrumentalists, such as a rock group or baroque ensemble. As in many respects human song is a form of sustained speech, nearly anyone able to speak can also sing. Singing can be formal or informal, arranged or improvised. It may be done for pleasure, comfort, ritual, education, or profit. Excellence in singing requires time, dedication, instruction, and regular practice. Professional singers usually build their careers around one specific musical genre, such as classical or rock. They typically take voice training provided by voice teachers or vocal coaches throughout their career.
The first recorded mention of the terms chest voice and head voice was around the 13th century, when it was distinguished from the "throat voice" (pectoris, guttoris, capitis — at this time it is likely that head voice referred to the falsetto register) by the writers Johannes de Garlandia and Jerome of Moravia. The terms were later adopted within bel canto, the Italian opera singing method, where chest voice was identified as the lowest and head voice the highest of three vocal registers: the chest, passagio and head registers. This approach is still taught by some vocal pedagogists today. Another current popular approach that is based on the bel canto model is to divide both men and women's voices into three registers. Men's voices are divided into "chest register", "head register", and "falsetto register" and woman's voices into "chest register", "middle register", and "head register". Such pedagogists teach that the head register is a vocal technique used in singing to describe the resonance felt in the singer's head

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Hacking Skill | Skill Loader- Innovation From Beyond | Share Your Skill and Make Money Online

A variety of studies suggest that 70-90% of world population are right-handed which would mean that their left brain would be dominant and the remaining 8–15% left-handed would have a dominating right brain. Theoretically ambidextrous people would be able to use both sides of their brains with equal dominance. Ambidexterity is exceptionally rare, although it can be learned. It is  common to find ambidextrous people who were originally  left handed but learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during childhood institutions such as schools where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required. Right-handed individuals may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or when they decide “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if I could write with both hands”.

Skill Loader - Innovation From Beyound, Share Your Skill, Share Skill and Make Money

History shows us since ancient times Famous people who have portrayed Ambidexterity have known to be highly intelligent or extremely skilled at their respective fields. Some of the greatest known personalities who were blessed with this quality were Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci ,PelĂ© (soccer), Benjamin Franklin, Jimmy Hendrix and many more. Leonardo da Vinci   could write with one hand while drawing with the other. He often painted with both hands, when one got tired he switched to the other. The fact was they were all able to use both their hands with equal efficiency.
Was Jimi Hendrix’s (god bless him ) ambidexterity the key to his virtuosity?Christman wrote, “It enabled him to integrate the actions of his left and right hands while playing guitar, to integrate the lyrics and melodies of his songs, and perhaps even to integrate the older blues and R&B traditions with the emerging folk, rock, and psychedelic sounds of the 60s”. Certainly the guitarist’s technical virtuosity is clear. Christman points to Hendrix’s technique on songs like Still Raining, Still Dreaming, “where Hendrix uses his right hand to play an intricate series of bends and slides, while his left hand, in between plucking the strings, uses the pickup selector to switch back and forth between the treble and bass pickups”.

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Ambidexterity also known as cross-dominance or Laterality is the ability to use both your hands with equal ability . It finds some its roots dating back since the time of the Classical Greece civilization. The Greeks encouraged and tried to promote ambidexterity because it was simply logical in sports and battle to be adept with both hands instead of one. By combining
the Phoenician style of writing right to left with their own left to right system, the Greeks created a reading and writing system called boustrophedon, where the lines ran alternately right-to-left and left-to-right. With alternating sweeps of the eyes back and forth, reading was more swift and efficient.”
Being naturally right handed I set out on my journey to become ambidextrous for a year now and after research through books, search engine listings , interviewing ambidextrous and left handed individuals  . I used that data to conduct a program to experiment on myself and interested friends. We found that for right handed individuals like us,  could always use an extra hand.

Friday 11 November 2011

Hacking Skill | Skill Loader- Innovation From Beyond | Share Your Skill and Make Money Online

The hacker attitude is vital, but skills are even more vital. Attitude is no substitute for competence, and there's a certain basic toolkit of skills which you have to have before any hacker will dream of calling you one.
This toolkit changes slowly over time as technology creates new skills and makes old ones obsolete. For example, it used to include programming in machine language, and didn't until recently involve HTML. But right now it pretty clearly includes the following.
This, of course, is the fundamental hacking skill. If you don't know any computer languages, I recommend starting with Python. It is cleanly designed, well documented, and relatively kind to beginners. Despite being a good first language, it is not just a toy; it is very powerful and flexible and well suited for large projects. I have written a more detailed evaluation of Python. Good are available at the Python web site. tutorials
I used to recommend Java as a good language to learn early, but this critique has changed my mind (search for “The Pitfalls of Java as a First Programming Language” within it). A hacker cannot, as they devastatingly put it “approach problem-solving like a plumber in a hardware store”; you have to know what the components actually do. Now I think it is probably best to learn C and Lisp first, then Java.

Skill Loader - Innovation From Beyound, Share Your Skill, Share Skill and Make Money

SkillLoader.com  is a skill Sharing Website, Where People come and Share there skills, and Make Money from their special skill.
The main purpose of this site for anybody to come share their skill and make money while doing it. One Spot to check on any skill in the world available on the Skill database. Not limited to any topic.
  Visitors will be allowed to create accounts or log in using there existing gmail or facebook accounts.
)Visitors who want to share thir content do not need to be professional writers or blogers. All they need to be able to do is speak and write English(Intially until we introduce other languages).
  they would need to write about the skills and below it write how it works so that out so that our staff may verify if that information works and if possible the member can provide a working proof of the skill.