A variety of studies suggest that 70-90% of world population are right-handed which would mean that their left brain would be dominant and the remaining 8–15% left-handed would have a dominating right brain. Theoretically ambidextrous people would be able to use both sides of their brains with equal dominance. Ambidexterity is exceptionally rare, although it can be learned. It is common to find ambidextrous people who were originally left handed but learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during childhood institutions such as schools where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required. Right-handed individuals may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or when they decide “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if I could write with both hands”.
A variety of studies suggest that 70-90% of world population are right-handed which would mean that their left brain would be dominant and the remaining 8–15% left-handed would have a dominating right brain. Theoretically ambidextrous people would be able to use both sides of their brains with equal dominance. Ambidexterity is exceptionally rare, although it can be learned. It is common to find ambidextrous people who were originally left handed but learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during childhood institutions such as schools where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required. Right-handed individuals may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or when they decide “Hey wouldn’t it be cool if I could write with both hands”.
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